Built on Twitter API backed with a World-Class Strategic Algorithm that takes care of your Twitter Account Growth Management at ease.
BTweeps is focused on Twitter User’s need with Core Management & Growth of Twitter Accounts for General Audience, Business audience, & all genres who love and care about their Twitter accounts & their audiences.
![BTweeps 2023 Controls - alternative](https://i0.wp.com/btweeps.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/BTweeps-2023-Controls-alternative.png?resize=1080%2C882&ssl=1)
0.0 Twitter App ID: 12739565
1.0 Page-Link to “Log into BTweeps”: https://app.btweeps.com/login
2.0 Instructions on how to log into BTweeps: https://btweeps.com/start
3.0 App functions:
⚫ Follow-Back Operation
⚫ Unfollow Operation
⚫ FOLLOW/Target Operation
4.0 How BTweeps Interacts with Twitter:
⚫ Fetching Following and Followers Lists of a Twitter Handle.
⚫ Following/Targeting >100 Twitter audience fetched from the lists.
⚫ Fetching Following and Followers lists of a Twitter Handle.
⚫ Matching the UNFOLLOW criteria of those who don’t follow-back, & Unfollowing >100 Twitter audience fetched from the lists
⚫ Fetching Following and Followers lists of a Twitter Handle.
⚫ Matching the Follow-Back criteria of those who are not being followed back, & following >100 Twitter audience fetched from the lists.
All these actions interact with Twitter in pre-defined timelines under Twitter Compliance.
5.0 Separate Rules for each Action: Error Codes, API Rate Limits, Auto-Following, Auto-Unfollowing Rules & Main Rules of BTweeps.
5.1 ERROR Codes: We have separate error function which always checks response from Twitter whenever we make any request to Twitter. If any error happens, we will make that user inactive until we check the issue and resolve it. These error codes are defined according to Official Twitter Dev Instructions: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/response-codes
Official BTweeps Error Codes can be found here: https://btweeps.supporthero.io/article/show/81989-error-codes
5.2 API rate limit: Under Official Twitter Rules
5.3 Auto-Following/Unfollowing: Set of BTweeps Rules & Regulation to Unfollow/Follow according to Twitter Compliance
5.4 BTweeps Protocol & Regulations:
Main Protocol & Regulations for Signing up at BTweeps
⚫ User Must have minimum no of followers and followings 1500/1500
⚫ User must be active on Twitter. Only natural & real human accounts are accepted.
⚫ NO SPAM. NO BOTTING Policy. We humbly suggest you to utilize the Power of Twitter & BTweeps wisely.
⚫ In Manual Mode: Only 1 BTweeps Feature is operated Per 24hr Timeline ( Follow-Back Or UNFOLLOW Or Target)
⚫ In Automation Mode: All Operations are Optimized Per 24hrs Run-Time at Core.
Auto-Kill All Ops when hit any Twitter Compliance Or Limit
5.5 Action Rules:
⚫ NO BULK-MASS Unfollow (Or Follow-Back Or Follow Or Target) Feature(s) available at BTweeps. Violation of Twitter Compliance is strictly prohibited.
⚫ BTweeps Follow-Back ONLY those who are following.
⚫ BTweeps Follow-Back within 10% Limit of Twitter Compliance.
⚫ Follow-Target within 10% Limit of Twitter Compliance.
⚫ Allowed only When BTweeps Target-Field is filled.
⚫ Use Target-Field strategically to Add Only Quality Twitter Account to Target its Quality Audience. Results will vary accordingly.
⚫ Make sure to Analyze User’s Twitter Account & Followers-Following Quality
⚫ DEFAULT Targeting is Set for FOLLOWERS of entered Twitter User Account in Target-Field
6.0 Protection of your Twitter Account
BTweeps will run it’s Auto-Kill Ops Switch at some technical events (Example: When Follow-Unfollow Limit hits). Right after that, BTweeps will notify us about it automatically & we will investigate further if there is anything that needs to be done from our side. In such cases, the limits auto-resolves within 24hrs & you can continue using BTweeps normally after that.
6.1 Auto-Kill Ops Switch is an internal strategic BTweeps operation to make sure we don’t hurt your account as well as always following Twitter Compliance with discipline. This internal feature is configured to protect you, Twitter, as well as us, at any technical event that’s not supposed to be happening anyway. We’ve got you covered 360*.
6.2 Security, UNLOCK, VERIFY, Reauthenticate & Reconnect:
Please refer to this article: https://btweeps.supporthero.io/article/show/71172-how-to-reconnect-a-twitter-account
7.0 BTweeps DON’T Perform following Activities (Strictly against Twitter Compliance):
⚫ Content posted through BTweeps as spam (Tweets, RTs, favs, DMs, etc.)
⚫ Display violations regarding how we must show Tweets
⚫ Abusive use of automation, like auto-following/unfollowing
⚫ Suspicious API usage, such as repeatedly hitting rate limits
⚫ To ensure that our app and our app’s users are following all of Twitter rules.
⚫ To ensure that we FOLLOW ALL DEV & AUTOMATION Policies
9.0 Twitter Policies that are NOT APPLICABLE for BTweeps:
Tweeting, & Display Requirements, as BTweeps do not provide & do not have any function of Publishing Tweets.
10.0 Further Concerns:
⚫ BTweeps currently operates Only 3 Functions with Twitter: Follow (Follow-back & Target), Unfollow & Likes
⚫ Owned Domains: BTwee.ps & BTweeps.com
⚫ We respect Twitter as a Platform, As a Resource, & Value it’s Essence to the fullest.
Serving the purpose of BTweeps in a line-of-control, disciplined manner & under the Twitter Dev Terms, Rules & Regulations.
⚫ Founders: @TheSoulfulEMU @Ragarg93
⚫ Powered by @BIZBoost
We hope the above information is sufficient enough. We’re cooperatively & humbly looking forward to strengthen this trust upon utilizing Twitter resources wisely, & in compliance. For any questions or queries related to this, please feel free to email us at btweeps@bizboost.me